Q-sorter Program
The Riverside Accuracy Project Q-Sorter Program is available for download. We strongly recommend that you download and read the instruction manual before attempting to use the program. This program requires the use of a PC running Windows XP or higher. This program will not work on a Mac computer, or a computer running an alternative operating system. It will work with Vista if all the latest updates are installed. As Windows continues to be "improved," this program may become non-functional -- however, the program is still working on computers running the Windows 10 operating system.
Q-sort program instructions (updated instructions forthcoming)
Microsoft DotNet framework download
In addition to installing the program, you will need to have the Microsoft DotNet framework installed (see below for link). The need for the DotNet download may not be necessary for newer versions of Windows and may actually cause compatibility issues, so it is recommended that you attempt to download and install the q-sort program without installing it first.
This program is offered to you to use free of charge. See the important disclaimers below.
We would appreciate appropriate acknowledgment of this program and/or the Q-sort decks in any publications or research reports that use them. We also invite comments and notifications of any problems you might have. Contact us at rap@ucr.edu.
Legal Notice: Copyright for this program belongs to the Regents of the University of California. While you are welcome to use and to copy this program, you are not authorized to change it in any way. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
The material described in these web pages is based, part, upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants BCS-06422243, BCS-1052638, and BCS-1528131. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the individual researchers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.